Activation Events - package.json

Extensions are activated lazily in VS Code. As a result you need to provide VS Code with context as to when your extension should be activated. We support the following activation events:

We also provide an overview of the package.json extension manifest and the minimum required fields.


This activation event is emitted and interested extensions will be activated whenever a file that resolves to a certain language gets opened.

"activationEvents": [


This activation event is emitted and interested extensions will be activated whenever a command is being invoked:

"activationEvents": [


This activation event is emitted and interested extensions will be activated whenever a folder is opened and the folder contains a top-level file.

"activationEvents": [


This activation event is emitted and interested extensions will be activated whenever VSCode starts up. To ensure a great end user experience, please use this activation event in your extension only when no other activation events combination works in your use-case.

"activationEvents": [

Next Steps

To learn more about VS Code extensibility model, try these topic:

Common Questions

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