VS Code Extension Marketplace

Increase the power of VS Code through Extensions

The features that VS Code includes out-of-the-box are just the start. VS Code extensions let you add new languages, features and tools to your installation to support your development workflow. VS Code's rich extensibility model lets extension authors plug directly into the VS Code UI and contribute functionality through the same APIs used by VS Code. This topic explains how to find, install, and manage VS Code extensions.

Browse and Install Extensions in VS Code

You can browse and install extensions from within VS Code. Press kb(workbench.action.showCommands) and narrow down the list commands by typing extension:

Extension Commands

Pick Extensions: Install Extension.

Tip: As an alternative, press kb(workbench.action.quickOpen) (Quick Open) and type ext install with a trailing space. Not sure what to install? Visit VS Code Marketplace.

ext install shortcut

You'll see a list of extensions on the Marketplace along with the publisher, published date and a brief description. You can click the README button to go to the extension's VS Code Marketplace page where you can learn more.

Note: If your computer's Internet access goes through a proxy server, you will need to configure the proxy server. See Proxy Server Support for details.

Install an Extension

Simply pick the extension from the list. After a successful install, you'll get the following notification:

extension installed

List Installed Extensions

You can also browse installed extensions with the Extensions: Show Installed Extensions command or by typing kb(workbench.action.quickOpen) (Quick Open) and ext with a trailing space.

installed extensions

Uninstall an Extension

To uninstall an extension, bring up the Extensions: Show Installed Extensions dropdown and click the x button in the lower right of the extension entry. This will uninstall the extension and prompt you to restart VS Code.

Update an Extension

You can quickly look for extension updates by using the Extensions: Show Outdated Extensions dropdown. This will display any available updates for your currently installed extensions. Simply click the Update Extension button in the lower right for the outdated extension and the update will be installed and you'll be prompted to restart VS Code.

Tip: Code will also notify you of available updates in the extension icon at the bottom left corner of its window.

Browse Extensions

Additionally, you can browse and search for VS Code extensions through the VS Code Marketplace site.


You can review our handy Featured, Most Popular, and Recently Added extension lists and filter by Category (Debuggers, Languages, Linters, etc).


Next Steps

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Common Questions

Q: The Extensions: Install Extension command just hangs and never shows a dropdown listing available extensions?

A: This could be due to an incomplete uninstall of an extension which left some extension files under your .vscode/extensions folder. Navigate to .vscode/extensions and see if there is an extension folder (named for the publisher and extension as publisher.extension) for a recently deleted extension. Delete that folder and restart VS Code.

Q: Can VS Code read TextMate bundles directly?

A: No, VS Code can read some TextMate files such as .tmTheme and .tmLanguage but can not install full TextMate bundles. Also in order to use TextMate theme and syntax files, VS Code needs extra metadata for integration. The Yo Code extension generator makes it easy to package these files for use in VS Code.

Q: Can I install Visual Studio Community extensions (shipped in .vsix) in Visual Studio Code?

A: No, Visual Studio Code's extensibility points are different from Visual Studio Community.

Q: Whenever I try to install any extension, I get a connect ETIMEDOUT error.

A: You may see this error if your machine is going through a proxy server to access the Internet. See the Proxy Server Support section in our FAQ for details.